Saturday, July 10, 2010

Movie Review - Labor Pains (Outstanding Romantic Comedy)

Lindsay Lohan as Thea is really great in this feel good movie. Thea fakes a pregnancy in order to keep her job, but then her maternal instinct kicks-in! She starts hoarding baby paraphernalia and ultimately requires a full-blown "intervention" before she can kick her "pregnancy addiction" :)

Be sure to watch the entire movie because the last five minutes contains a surprise ending - a year or two in the future.

The Behind-the-Scenes is also interesting - it hints the movie was injected with a parody between Thea's pregnancy addiction versus LL's current challenges as a 20-something party girl:)

In one scene Thea is asked to go out for a drink with a co-worker after work. It's classic to see LL [I mean Thea] look up and say "Drink? You know I don't drink!!"

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